I often fall, unlike the government

I often fall, unlike the government

I continue to be pissed at Salvini and this government. I would like to be able to insult and revile this government. But this would be completely useless and then I'm not able to. But I would like this government to fall soon.

So I'll tell you a little bit about my business since nobody reads these lines.
Last Friday I went out to run. I had been the whole day working on the computer, when I left I was tired and aching.

What's better than a good run?

I wanted to run for 12 km, as always on a Friday. Unfortunately, at the end of the seventh km I stumbled. I slammed my knees and my face. Fortunately, I hit my face centrally, so I didn't break my glasses, I didn't break my nose or even my teeth.

In 9 years I ran 16,000 km and tripped 3 times and twice I took a retort. I stumbled in 2011, in 2017 and in 2019. In 2016, after a few months I took the 2 retorts on the same ankle.

I say I had a lot of luck (in Italian I would say "a big beating of ass"): I broke 2 pairs of glasses, I had bruises on my knees, shoulder, face, but no broken bone.
Today's image is my last discarded pair of shoes after a 850 km run, it is the twentieth or twenty-first pair of running shoes I have worn.


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