Thirty years ago in Tiananmen square

Thirty years ago in Tiananmen Square, the Chinese Government had to order a massacre to stop the students' protest.

The situation in China did not change for normal people, but in Hong Kong, it has even worsened.

I guess that you have friends in the political-administrative machine you are free to become a billionaire, but if you want to criticize the government or the local administrations you are less free, much less free.

I know that I think trivial thoughts, but I need to think in a simple way if I want to write about them in English.

Writing in a different language is a nice way to think before opening the mouth or press on the keys. I hope that the previous sentence makes sense in English.

Do this thing could avoid many hate speech on the internet, it could do decrease the entropy of the universe and, in my opinion, the greater part of universal entropy depends on the mental disorders of humankind.

I like to think that a good day (for the universe) a great asteroid will hit our planet and finally humanity will die out.ena
Cockroaches will inherit the world and maybe they will do a better use of it.


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