
Showing posts from February, 2021

Dragons without a game of thrones

  I am very confused about the new prime minister appointed. Before this Italian government crisis, I did not have a great opinion about the outgoing government and its parliament majority, but now a larger new majority is being prepared, this new majority includes other parties and their very questionable leaders. There is a good thing: no party will be indispensable, no party can blackmail the government. Sure Draghi is certainly not a socialist or leftist, but he is not a storyteller (how can I say " cantastorie " in English?). The "cantastorie" were singers who told real stories, but they invented details and romanced the stories to make them more compelling, adapting and twisting them according to the tastes of the audience. This is what the populist parties do. Draghi is not like these populist leaders, but these party leaders will support his government and continue to campaign permanently, exactly as they have done since the last election, every single day