
Showing posts from March, 2019

A very merry unbirthday to me

On February 24th 2000 I quit smoking. I quit after 40 years of almost uninterrupted smoke. So yesterday was a very merry unbirthday to me. I haven't smoked like 65,000 cigarettes in the last 9 years. I didn't throw at least 15,000 euros into smoke... so for me it's always a very merry unbirthday to me. But today I'm a little depressed. I went to donate blood and I couldn't do it. My blood pressure was too high. Nothing impressive but high enough to exceed the allowed limit. The beauty is that my blood pressure never reaches certain levels (yes, of course: with the help of medicine and running). It reaches certain numbers only on the day of the donation, when a doctor or nurse measures it. When the sports doctor measures my blood pressure before doing the electrocardiogram under stress, my pressure is perfect! So I realized that the only risk factor for my blood pressure is when I go to donate blood. Another depressing thing: I finished watching the backl

March 8th and Blender

I deliberately ignored 8 March, the 8 March celebrations. I wanted to avoid saying how women should or should not celebrate March 8th. In my opinion the web is full of examples of " mansplaining " (I don't have to use double quotes in English) and so I avoided mine. I do not know what is the right role of women in society (I do not even know what is the role of man in society, so to speak), but what I do know is that it is not up to men to establish it. And that's all I have to say on the subject (as Forrest Gump would say, I think). These days I'm learning to use Blender *** (may God bless those who invented it!). Blender is tiring, but also fun. That is, if one does not bang his head against the wall for frustration then he has fun. There are many resources in Italian on the web (in video, in pdf and in web pages) to learn how to use Blender and I could start doing something right away. I started working in 3D with Freecad , but I gave up because there are f

emotional and passionate storm

Do not know enough about the law and I do not know if this text will be understandable. I would like to learn English because I would like to be able to write more complex sentences of "the book is on the table". I too was scandalized by the reasons for the sentence ( link 1 , link 2 , link 3 ) with which the Court of Assizes of Appeal of Bologna has halved the sentence to the worker who in 2016 strangled Olga Matei. The court has recognized the extenuating circumstances also because it would have acted in prey to an "emotional and passionate storm". In English it makes you laugh: emotional and passionate storm ... What will foreigners think of us Italians? What will all the women who have married an Italian think: will he also be subject to emotional and passionate storms? A psychiatrist (whom I heard on the radio) said that "emotional and passionate storm" is a funny name to indicate jealousy. It is jealousy that triggers the eventual emotional and pa