Shit afternoon

We got up and it was raining outside, not really, but enough not to make us want to go out for a run.

We lazed a little (but I would have had the opportunity to work), then we went out to see the fair: there was the usual merchandise and we only bought a printed scarf with a painting by Van Gogh and another with a print of Picasso's painting.

We had lunch early because we had to accompany our daughter to the station. It usually takes an hour, so we decided to go out an hour ahead of schedule, to be sure.

Everything went smoothly up to Ponte Milvio... the police and the local police prevented the transit of all the cars on the lungotevere, towards the center. The traffic has become very dense and we have continued in the obligatory direction at a crawl. We were early and we did not worry too much. After several minutes we had come a very short way, we were bottled in traffic a long way from the station and the subway stops.

And I had to pee. After another time we had come a very short way and we knew that by now we would never have arrived in time to get my daughter to take the train.

And I had to pee. I knew I could not hold on for another hour or two so I started looking at the side of the road if there was a proper place to pee: a bar, a dark corner and a place to pick up the car. There was not anything!

Then I saw the light! An open gas station and a nearby construction bath, probably intended to be used by gas stations.

I approached the car, I extended a couple of 2 euro coins to the boy and asked for the favor and permission to use their bathroom. The boy was perplexed just for 1 minute, then he took the keys and opened the bathroom.
Life seemed immediately better! I got back in the car. My wife used the smatphone to figure out what the hell was going on in Rome and my daughter used her to change the ticket one by one six consecutive trains.

At this point we were all reassured and resigned, we continued using the google maps to be able to untangle and find the right way to the station.

We all went to the bathroom and then to get a sandwich. Then we waited for the train and finally we got back in the car. We were tired and bored and we still used the navigator to make a different path. The traffic was intense, the usual traffic of Rome, not the traffic gone crazy due to the consequences of the clashes with the police, caused by the Eintracht fans.

We arrived home at 8:30 pm, it took us 5 hours to go and come back!


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